EPA’s Nanotechnology Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements Rule became effective on August 14, 2017. Manufacturers and processors of certain chemical substances are subject to reporting and recordkeeping requirements pursuant to Section 8(a) of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). In an effort to clarify the requirements for nanomaterials, EPA has issued a Working Guidance on EPA’s Section 8(a) Information Gathering Rule on Nanomaterials in Commerce.
This guidance document is a compilation of questions and answers developed based on input received from the draft guidance earlier this year. It is intended to be a work in progress with updates being published as necessary. If your facility works with nanomaterials, taking the time to review this rule guidance would be beneficial. If further clarification is still necessary after reviewing this guidance, EPA is urging individuals to reach out to the EPA directly to have their specific questions answered directly.