(781) 222-1022 | [email protected]


It takes 10,000 hours to master a craft. We have 650,000+. We manage the details and check around every corner. We have your back.


It takes 10,000 hours to master a craft. We have 650,000+. We manage the details and check around every corner. We have your back.

Your business pace is ours. We work with you to set your EHS goals and the pace to reach them.

30+ years of experience
in specialized life science lab-based safety

We are scientists too
we understand what you do and how you do it

Trusted by over 900 firms
in the life science and technology industry

Our Goals for Your Business

  • Enable a culture of safety for senior executives, scientists, manufacturing operators, support personnel, and outside providers alike
  • Reduce costs associated with decreased productivity, workplace risk, and liability
  • Increase employee productivity, morale, and retention by allowing scientists to stay focused on science, and other employees to remain focused on their primary business responsibilities
  • Prepare for the next phase of growth: due diligence requirements consider the status of a company’s EHS program
  • Transition between R&D and manufacturing smoothly by following our unique approach

Permits, Licenses and Regulatory Compliance

We free you from the burden of managing complex and evolving regulations. Safety Partners manages it all—from completing applications and corresponding with the appropriate regulatory agencies through developing comprehensive safety manuals and procedures.

Areas of Expertise Include

Biosafety & Chemical Safety
Controlled Substances
Hazardous Materials
rDNA & Institutional Biosafety Committees (IBC)

EHS Program Development and Implementation

We are your resident expert and voice for workplace safety and compliance that keeps pace with your growth. Proactively minimize workplace risk and boost employee productivity with fully comprehensive and compliant programs.

Biosafety & Chemical Safety
Machine Shop

Industrial Hygiene Consulting

We help with recognizing, monitoring, and controlling hazards.

Specialties Include

Chemical Exposures
Potent Compound handling
Air Quality & Ventilation
Workplace Stressors

Animal Care and Use

We ensure worker safety and humane animal care according to regulatory guidelines. Our vivarium program can be customized for each facility’s needs.

Training Contact Hours (TCH)

Computer for Training Image Website
Help your team thrive with web-based or on-site training. Our customized professional development courses focus on the work and processes of each client’s individual work groups to fit company-specific safety policies.

Topics Include:

  • Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) – New Course
  • Department of Transportation (DOT) Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR)
  • HAZWOPER – New Courses
  • Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP)
  • New Employee and Refresher Courses
  • Analytic X-Ray Equipment

Lab Relocation and Decommissioning

Smooth relocations require intense preparation. We are hands-on from staging through move completion.
  • Hassle-free Moves: we handle everything from coordination and oversight of permit close-outs and transfers to relocation of chemicals and equipment
  • Lab fit out: we make sure regulatory, safety and sustainability needs are met
  • Minimize change orders: we work directly with engineers, architects, and construction teams to get it right the first time
  • Decommissioning and Decontamination: our Certified Industrial Hygienist will ensure all sampling and reporting requirements are met

Real Estate Development

We bring expertise on life science industry standards for building core and shell as well as overall EHS design of tenant space.

Safety Partners works with the major science and technology real estate developers in Greater Boston and New York City to provide insight into design and planning of multi-tenant lab buildings that makes permitting easier and gives tenants what they expect.


Contact Us

Learn how we can take the stress of EHS off of your shoulders.