June may seem like a long way away, especially with the impending snow storm headed our way, but it will be here before you know it! OSHA along with NSC, AIHA, ASSE and NIOSH, has announced that June 12-18, 2017 is Safe + Sound Week.
During this week, employers are encouraged to hold activities and events to promote safety in the workplace. Even though it is three months away, now would be a good time to start planning fun activities to remind your employees about the importance of your EHS program. Developing creative events that relay the information in a manner that is entertaining and engaging can be a challenge, so start brainstorming now to make the most out of Safe + Sound Week. Be sure you know your audience and adapt to each target group to be as effective as possible.
If there are any elements of your EHS program that need to be updated or refreshed, take the time to tighten up your policies now so they are complete by the time Safe + Sound Week rolls around.