If you are registered with the MA DEP as a Large Quantity Generator (LQG) of hazardous waste, do not forget that 2018 is a year when biennial reports must be filed. A new electronic reporting system called RCRAInfo Industry Application (RIA) must be used to file.
Biennial reports are due by March 1st of even numbered years for any facility that exceeded the LQG threshold during the preceding odd numbered year. Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities (TSDFs) are also required to report every two years. The RCRA Subtitle C Site Identification Form and Waste Generation and Management (GM) forms are still required pieces of the 8700-13 (a)/(b) Hazardous Waste Report. New users must register as an ‘industry user’ to begin the process, and then associate your site ID with the account. There are useful guidance documents available to help guide you the process.
If you have not started the process yet, now is the time to get started! Allow yourself plenty of time to learn the new reporting system to ensure you meet the submittal deadline.