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Safety Tip Tuesdays – Lab Safety Training

Annual safety training sessions often cover responding to emergencies, chemical safety, biosafety, and the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard.  While there is no way to circumvent annual refresher training requirements, there are ways to gain people’s attention rather than blank stares.  Some adults are passive learners where they learn best by watching others.  Other adults are active learners that learn best when they participate and take advantage of hands on activities.   Some adults need visuals while others need to listen.

Developing training sessions with a PowerPoint® presentation as the backbone of the training, with breakout sessions to discuss theoretical incidents or emergency situations have engaged attendees.  Other training ideas include games and scavenger hunts to bring out the competitive side of attendees and assess their knowledge of their safety programs.

It is crucial for all employees to be aware of the safety program at your facility, so developing a training program that gets this information across successfully is important.

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