(781) 222-1022 | [email protected]

Emergency Procedures and Hazard Communication Awareness Training

This Emergency Procedures and Hazard Communication Awareness training was designed to meet federal requirements for employee safety in emergency situations and to provide a basic overview of general hazard information and communication, for employees to be able to recognize hazards and prevent exposures. Upon completion of this course, employees should have a basic understanding of safety resources, evacuation procedures, fire extinguishers and emergency equipment, exposure response and medical emergencies, ergonomics, and various other general safety topics covered by the federal Hazard Communication standard from OSHA.

Please Note: Specific procedures to be followed at your facility must be reviewed and/or discussed to supplement this training.

Who should take this course?

All employees who have the potential to be involved in an emergency and those who may be exposed to any type of hazard in the workplace. This course focuses on general safety for employees in any department at any level within the organization.

Course Logistics

This course can be taken on any computer with web access. The course will take students approximately 1 hour, depending on their background and experience. Students have the ability to “pause” the lesson and continue it at a later time. After successful completion of the course the student will be prompted to print out a “certificate of completion” for their records. A copy of this certificate should also be kept in the company’s Central Safety files, to comply with the record-keeping portion of the training.


The cost of this Emergency Procedures and Hazard Communication Awareness Training is $195 per person.