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Analytical X-Ray Equipment – Radiation Safety Training

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Radiation Control Program (RCP) regulates analytical X-ray equipment (105 CMR 120.600).

Who should take this course?

This radiation safety course is intended for Radiation Safety Officers and users of analytical X-ray equipment. This training is recommended initially and annually.

Course Logistics

This course can be taken on any computer with web access. The course will take students approximately 1 to 2 hours, depending on their background and experience. Students have the ability to “pause” the lesson and continue it at a later time. After successful completion of the course the student will be prompted to print out a “certificate of completion” for their records. A copy of this certificate should also be kept in the company’s Central Safety files, to comply with the record-keeping portion of the training.

Approved for 1 TCH credit through MA DEP


The cost of this radiation safety training for analytical X-ray equipment is $175 per person.