The warm summer months can be an even more challenging time than normal for enforcing rules related to appropriate lab attire. This is a great time to review your company’s personal protective equipment (PPE) policy and see if it adequately addresses personal lab attire.
For Category 2 MWRA permit holders, semi-annual wastewater sampling for the January through June sampling period must be conducted by June 30th. Reports, including pH and flow logs, are due by July 31st.
It’s not always straightforward to determine if the OSHA Lab Standard or the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard applies at a given facility. Often it’s either one standard or the other, but in some cases, both standards will apply.
It’s often assumed that a biological agent’s risk group (RG) and the biosafety level at which it should be handled are synonymous, when in fact this is not always the case. In addition to an agent’s risk group, there are many other factors to consider when designating a biosafety level for a biological agent.
Although the top 10 list included all of the same standards cited for the fiscal year 2019, the ranking within the top 10 list changed for several standards including the Respiratory Protection Standard which moved from the fifth position to the third.
“A Mouse and a Needlestick” featured in Incidents, Accidents, and Near Misses in Laboratory Research, Volume 3, tells a real-life story about what can happen when safety procedures aren't followed in animal care facilities.
“A Mouse and a Needlestick” featured in Incidents, Accidents, and Near Misses in Laboratory Research, Volume 3, tells a real-life story about what can happen when safety procedures aren't followed in animal care facilities.