Wastestream information profiles (WIPs) establish the composition and hazards associated with the hazardous chemical waste streams generated at your facility. It is very easy to establish your waste streams and never conduct an evaluation of their continued accuracy; however the importance of sporadic re-evaluations cannot be understated. Information contained in WIPs includes the constituents, DOT shipping information, physical characteristics, waste codes, and a generator certification.
As lab procedures change, modifications to the waste streams will occur. It’s important that hazmat employees responsible for preparing waste for off-site disposal discuss the waste streams with the generators on a regular basis to verify that labels are accurate. This is particularly true when using preprinted labels on satellite accumulation areas because generators are not prompted to write the constituents when disposing of hazardous waste. Once changes are made to waste streams, it is crucial to update the hazardous waste hauler if changes to the WIP are necessary. This allows for appropriate handling, transport, and disposal. Remember all waste generators are responsible for their waste – cradle to grave!
Best practice is to re-evaluate WIPs at least annually. And always remember to maintain a file for up-to-date WIPs for each waste stream, including the signature of the appropriate personnel on the generator certification.