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Safety is in Our DNA

Last week, Safety Partners had the pleasure of co-hosting The Third Annual Micro-Conference, Improving Lab Productivity in Cambridge, MA. The conference provided a collaborative venue for scientists, executives, lab managers, and sponsoring providers to share and learn about best practices for improving lab efficiency, regulatory compliance, and, of course, safety. As a newcomer to Safety Partners, the event gave me another opportunity to meet more of our great clients and get introduced to the Cambridge/Boston life sciences industry at large.

I’d like to share a poignant moment that happened after the conference was over. On the way out of the hotel, my Safety Partners teammates and I were walking through the lobby. As we approached the revolving door at the entrance, I noticed that the area carpet in the lobby had a flipped-up corner. This is a classic set-up for a potentially painful and costly “slip and fall”. Within a microsecond, every one of my Safety Partners teammates (our president Denise, our director of EHS services Jennifer, our client safety officer team leader Caroline, and our marketing coordinator Melissa) also noticed the hazard and started leaning in. Caroline was in the front of our entourage, got to the carpet first, and gently flipped it back into place. The doorman, a well-uniformed and dignified gentleman, had also noticed the carpet hazard and was quickly approaching the scene. He tipped his hat to Caroline and said, “Thank you.”

This random act of safety might seem tiny in the context of the remarkable science and innovation happening in the labs of Cambridge/Boston, but for me it was a clear demonstration of our passion for safety that we bring to our clients and to the community. Safety is in our DNA.


Image Credit: cosmicvisions

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