Certified wastewater operators in MA are required to renew their certification every two years, with renewals due by December 31st of odd-numbered years. Active operators are required to obtain twenty training contact hours (TCHs) over the two-year renewal period. If you are like many other operators, you might be scrambling to complete your TCH criteria by the end of the year.
For the past few years, half of the TCHs have been required to be related to wastewater, rather than safety related. New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC) coordinates many training courses, along with the examination and renewals. Several other organizations are involved in the development of the training program, with MA DEP and the Board of Certification having regulatory jurisdiction. If you take courses outside of NEIWPCC, be sure to keep the certificate with the TCH approval number to submit with your renewal application.
Time is quickly running out for obtaining TCHs. Do not wait any longer to register for TCH approved courses!