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New York RCRA for Life Sciences, Conditionally Exempt Small and Small Quantity Waste Generators

RCRA Training for Life Sciences (6 NYCRR 370-374 and 376)

The EPA’s Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) regulates the management of hazardous waste. In addition, the NY Department of Conservation (DEC) enforces the Hazardous Waste Regulations (HWR) found at 6 NYCRR 370-374 and 376, that govern waste generation and management in New York. Facility personnel assigned to the management of hazardous waste need to know how to conduct their duties in a manner that ensures compliance with the HWR.

This RCRA Training for Life Sciences course educates generators of hazardous chemical waste and employees signing chemical waste manifests how to comply with the requirements for Small Quantity Generator and Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators.

Course Logistics

This course can be taken on any computer with web access. The RCRA course will take students approximately 1 to 3 hours, depending on their background and experience. Students have the ability to “pause” the lesson and continue it at a later time. After successful completion of the course the student will be prompted to print out a “certificate of completion” for their records. A copy of this certificate should also be kept in the company’s Central Safety files, to comply with the record-keeping portion of the training.


The cost for the RCRA Training for Life Sciences (6 NYCRR 370-374 and 376) course is $350 per person.