(781) 222-1022 | [email protected]

Chemical Reactivity Hazards Training: November 8, 2018

Join us for a one day session to learn how to:

  • Recognize potential chemical reactivity hazards
  • Put in place controls to prevent chemical reactivity incidents
  • Screen processes for potential chemical reactivity hazards that could cause harm to people, property or the environment
  • Implement a management system to help predict & prevent incidents
  • Recognize when a job safety analysis is needed

Lessons learned from recent reactive chemistry incidents will be explored. Participants will discuss control methods and share experiences in evaluating and controlling chemical reactivity hazards.

Training Approved for 7 TCH credits through MA DEP

Who should take this course?

Chemists, EHS professionals, Industrial Hygienists, Chemical Hygiene Officers, and Lab Supervisors

About our instructor, Neal Langerman, Ph.D.:

Dr. Langerman has over 30 years’ experience in the field of chemical safety, including holding university faculty and chemical safety consulting posts. He sits on the editorial boards of several major industry publications and is the Owner and Principal Scientist at Advanced Chemical Safety, Inc. (www.chemical-safety.com)

Course Logistics

November 8, 2018

8:30AM – 3:30PM


$650 per person

Training materials and lunch included


Safety Partners, Inc.

19A Crosby Drive

Bedford, MA 01730


Please contact [email protected]

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